Sorry it's a little late in coming but Happy Easter Everyone!!! We're still in the octave right? So it's legit. I had a wonderful Easter weekend, I'm in two different choirs and we sang every day, it was splendid to hear the jubilant songs return, but most of all it was good to take a step out of the world and focus on spiritual matters. When Easter comes around, it's like falling in love with God all over again and knowing that He never ends. In the past year I've experienced moments of great joy, the kind of joy that pierces your soul but ties everything together with an unbreakable golden thread. I found this feather stuck to the elbow of my coat the other day and the sight of it just puts me at peace.

You are never too old to get a visit from the Easter bunny, okay I get visits from this little guy every day and he blesses my home with homemade black jellybeans in abundance (word of warning, don't eat them!). My mom still likes to give me an Easter basket, and hey who says no to free candy. Although, I had a major Fringe moment, I gave my mom a bouquet of tulips for Easter and guess what was in my basket? Red Vines. Those faithful few of you who watched the show will know the significance.
Though I'm trying to eat a bit healthier I couldn't resist making this, after all the brie was expiring, see I had an excuse. It was so delicious and so easy, brie baked in crescent roll dough! My friend MaryAnne at made me a jar of homemade mulberry jam. MaryAnne I apologize for waiting so long to open it ha ha! but whenever I thought of mulberries I would think of bird poop on the farm but the jam was delicious with the brie :) Also my friend Renee gifted me a lovely cookbook when I moved into my new house and I've decided to work my way through it Julia Child style, because there are so many healthy recipes in it that would spice up my diet more, thank you Renee.

As far as recent adventures, they have been relatively low key but memorable. I had a really beautiful and deep conversation about the nature of art through the eyes of faith, cafeteria food, travel, and the seeds of ideas that have the potential to bring change to the world with a friend that I met last summer. It's those kind of conversations that linger with you for days and replay in your mind. So many conversations are electronic these days that I savor the face to face encounters. I also got to catch up with a college friend last night that I hadn't hung out with in almost a year and our night was filled excellent food, The Hobbit, playing records, laughing at old photos and simply enjoying each other's company. Then came this morning's adventure, after barely any sleep I made it to an estate sale at 7:30 in the morning with my cousin in crime, Carrie of We were giggling the entire time. Above are the treasures that I found, she found a crazy load of vintage swizzle sticks among other wonders. But we laughed the hardest at the Salvation Army run we made after the sale where we happened, the worst part, we bought them. We plan to do a Macklemore inspired photo with them, they were too good to pass up. Even the cashier thought no one would buy them, but of course she was wrong. She admired our jovial sport and told us to "keep on laughing".

Looking ahead, with my Indiana Jones hat in tow, with the warmer weather I foresee road trips, hijinks, bonfires, and the great unknown. The best thing about this hat is not that it was $2, it's that it makes me want to drive up to one of my friends say "Get in the car, there's no time to waste" and screech tires to make our future into something spontaneous and worthy of talking about for years to come. So I ask you, what is your next adventure?