Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Memorable Days


It's been a doozy of a month, for those of you who do not know, I was laid off from my job a few weeks ago and Numéro magazine is coming to a close after 7 years. It's sad to see it go, I've been through several waves of emotion over the last few weeks but overall I'm excited for what lies ahead, but I wouldn't have traded all of the priceless experience and relationships that I've formed over my time there. I updated my portfolio site, check it out!! This past weekend Carrie and I from Swanky Lady Vintage did some trip planning for our ultimate thrifting road trip coming up next week! I made yet another recipe from the orange book, Tuna and Artichoke pasta  - seriously delicious, and Carrie made nutty hummus! 


Memorial Day I woke up early and joined my dad for Mass in old St. Patrick's Cemetery, the oldest still in use Catholic church in Illinois. Very small but very cool. Our hearts go out to all those who have lived and died for our spiritual and physical freedoms! Dad also surprised me and took me for breakfast at the Jubilee Cafe where most of the patrons have white hair and the waitress has teased hair and long fake nails and there's a case of pies when you walk in the door.


It has been the wettest year, storming or deluging every day for like a week and there's more to come. But the flowers are blooming and the birds are chirping like crazy. Mom had me down for dinner and cooked corn on the cob, burgers, potatoes and deviled eggs! 

Monday, May 20, 2013

Life Lately


The weather has been gorgeous, this weekend I took a nap with the windows open. Ah bliss. You need to take a step back once in a while and just enjoy the day. I've been so busy lately with design projects and branding that it was nice to step away from the computer a bit over the weekend. 


My best friend Liz graduated from nursing school and had a graduation party on her and her fiancé's farm, so picturesque. I'm so stinking proud of her!


Star Trek Into Darkness opened and my friend Becky and I went to the midnight showing on Wednesday. Holy cow! I wanna see it ten more times. I could write a term paper here about it but I will spare my non-Trek readers from that. All I can say is that you definitely don't have to be a hard core fan to enjoy it but if you are there are so many little things that they threw in there for us. And I kinda want to kidnap Benedict Cumberbatch and hide him in my dreams. He's such a fantastic actor I could go on and on and on...


Somedays you just gotta watch Sherlock and eat ice cream. 

Friday, May 3, 2013

Oh man. Siamese Cats and Peanut Noodles

"Oh man." Those were the only words that came out of my mouth in between stuffing it with this dish. Spicy Chinese Peanut noodles. This recipe is super easy and amazingly delicious (another recipe from the orange book, thank you Renee). I ended up making this for dinner because I saw a bottle of cider vinegar in my cabinet and couldn't remember what I bought it for. Then I saw the peanut butter and pasta and my memory miraculously returned. And it contains garlic and cilantro, any argument against this dish is invalid...if you have a peanut allergy just skip this post. Also if you are distracted by the two felines, you should be because they are cute. But don't get too attached, they just sold this week and are destined to become a Mother's Day gift for someone in North Dakota! Happy Friday.