My apologies for my absence over the last few days, I've been in DC. I volunteered to be a chaperone on our Diocese March for Life trip. It was a spiritually reaffirming trip, full of lively souls and quiet prayerful moments. It was surreal to be surrounded by 500,000 people all of different cultures and religions, standing up for a single cause - LIFE. Every life matters, and in the words of Dr. Seuss "A person's a person, no matter how small." No matter how a person was conceived, they are a person, worthy of respect and love. Some of my friends are pro-choice and I love them to death though we disagree. They argue that it's better for women to have abortions because our social services and foster care systems are appalling, well I'm sorry but something is seriously wrong with a country where it's better to be dead than be in the system. I also learned that children are a gift, not an entitlement. There were several parents of adopted children in attendance (a few in our group alone) and though they were not able to naturally conceive, they were called to adopt and it changed their lives. Everyone is wanted by someone. Change is coming and I'm proud to be a part of it. We also got to experience a taste of DC, I'd never been there and I already want to go back. The museums are absolutely amazing and we were literally speedwalking through, I about died at the Gemstones exhibit, I LOVE ROCKS! They were so pretty I wanted to spend all day there. I also got to know the youth of our parish a bit better, they are hilarious and creative and they give me hope for our future :)
Good for you! I was with you in spirit. Here in Canada they also recently "celebrated" the day their legislature made abortion not only legal, but free and taxpayer funded! (Our health care system won't cover circumcisions because they consider it "elective" but abortions can be had at the woman's request, even if there is nothing medically wrong with either the mother or the baby).
ReplyDeleteHere, we have no choice. Part of my paycheck every month funds abortions. This is heartbreaking.
We all must protect the innocent and hold the light in the darkness. Thanks for doing your part. <3
Thank you for your support!!! Wow that is horrible, I didn't know Canadian laws were so harsh! One day all will know the value each human life carries :)