Friday, January 31, 2014

March for Life 2014

This was my second go round on the March, it was a different experience but a good experience. I was a chaperone with our parish priest and we were charged with keeping our little group of high spirited teens amongst the larger together. I love these kids, a few are almost ready to go off to college and it was a great opportunity to see them get out of our small town for a spell and focus our energies on a cause larger than ourselves. 


It's overwhelming being amongst half a million people but exhilarating, even though it was 19 degrees and it felt like the shuffle for life as we linked arms and tried to keep warm, it was a joyous crowd. This year's theme was Adoption, which was very fitting. Three of my cousins are adopted and they have been such a big part of our family.  


I believe every life matters, and it was a joy to stand up and be counted with so many people that I would severely miss if they weren't a part of my life :)


Also in the freezing cold and falling snow we saw the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. It was a poignant moment as we read the tomb and it said "Here rests in honored glory, an American soldier known but to God." And it just made me think of all the children who are known but to God.

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