Friday, April 26, 2013

Whirlwind, what a week


What a week. They say one of the only constants in life is change. They were right. The other constant in life is God, and that's how I know everything is going the way it is supposed to. The best way to respond to change is by grabbing hold of it and letting go all in the same instant, like a great weight has landed on your shoulders but somehow you know that it will soon pass through you into space. 


I will spare you anymore metaphors and move on to lighter matters. Congrats to MaryAnne at lifeathaven, that was the best phone message ever! I also got the magazine sent to press and saw my friends Jared and Stephanie Bartman in concert and they were excellent as always and Henry was a wiggle worm but he clearly stole the show. The string quartet were magical and everyone brought their best to the table, not to mention the fact that this concert was BYOB and there was one table in particular that brought their best booze to the table and were very giggly. Also kudos to Denim Dragons and your freaky masks but great tunes.

Renee, I'm holding true and working my way through the book. I'm so proud of this meal, ginger teriyaki chicken and smashed spinach and garlic potatoes. MMMMMmmmmmmmm. I will be eating on this for a while. It really feels good to eat real food for a change. 

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